Our Company June 24, 2013 Kristie

More Daylite Tutorial Videos on ScreenCastsOnline

Last month we mentioned that our partners at Learn Daylite produced a New Daylite Video Tutorial Featured on ScreenCastsOnline. Since then two more screencasts have been published on ScreenCastsOnline. The first video provides an Introduction to Daylite and doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of the product. The second video, Using Daylite delves into more advanced functionality and the third video, Daylite 4 for iOS teaches users how to access and update a Daylite database from their iOS devices.

All three of these tutorial videos are currently available to Premium Members of ScreenCastsOnline. The first video, Introduction to Daylite was also included in the June issue of the ScreenCastsOnline Monthly iPad magazine along with an article that Tim Stringer from Learn Daylite wrote. The other two screencasts, Using Daylite and Daylite 4 for iOS will be included in the July issue of ScreenCastsOnline Monthly.

You can watch all three tutorial videos by purchasing the June and soon to be released July 2013 issues of the magazine through the App Store for $6.99 each issue. You can also subscribe to ScreenCastsOnline Monthly to receive this iPad magazine each month, and can become a ScreenCastOnline Member for access to these and over 400 other tutorials.

These tutorial videos are great for anyone who is new to Daylite or anyone needing just a little boost in their knowledge of Daylite.

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