Scaling October 26, 2007 Alykhan Jetha

Leopard Compatibility – Betas available

Wow – the number of people requesting the betas was astounding. We’ve done some testing with the final Leopard build and it is looking good enough to give you the beta links here. The issues raised below are Leopard specific.

Please remember – these are betas! Avoid using them in a production environment if at all possible.

Daylite 3.6 (Beta Build 1424)

There are currently 3 known issues:

  • Resizing the month view, or adding/removing the due list from the month view may cause a crash or lock-up in cases where there is an event on the last day of any given week (please try to avoid the month view until the next beta which should resolve this)
  • When setting up syncing, colors may not sync properly between daylite categories and iCal calendars. This is due to an Applescript bug in iCal by the looks of it
  • It takes an additional 30 seconds to launch a database

DMI 2.1 (Beta 2)

We’ve had to alter the keyboard shortcuts “Toggle Daylite Drawer”, “Uncheck all Daylite objects” and “Check all Daylite Objects”. Instead of command-7,8,9, use control-7,8,9. The keyboard shortcuts are unchanged on Tiger.

There is one known issue:

  • You have to use the overflow menu in the preferences to get to the DMI preference pane

Please install the full package after upgrading to Leopard. Install the Database engine even if the installer says the same database already exists.

Billings 2.5.2 (Build 1292)

There are currently no known issues. It is not even marked as a beta, so this might even be the final build for 2.5.2.

Download 2.5.2 here.

We hope to have the known issues ironed out soon.

UPDATE: This is an inappropriate medium for support questions. Please send your support questions to support [at] marketcircle [dot] com and someone will get back to you. I’m closing the comments.

Until next time…

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