Our Company April 28, 2015 Kristie

Team Building at Marketcircle

One of our core values here at Marketcircle is teamwork.

“We like putting all our crazy minds together to solve problems. Each department collaborates as a team to leverage each other’s strengths. As a company, we work collectively towards our common goal. By helping each other reach our own goals, we help other small businesses reach theirs.”

We have an awesome team and really value the culture that we’ve created in our company. The diverse and crazy group of people here are what make us Marketcircle. We appreciate our team and show it by getting together to celebrate successful launches, milestones, birthdays, and other events to boost morale.


We finished off last week with a team building event. As with most companies, we have different teams that make up the different departments and some of these teams work independently of each other. We wanted to shakes things up and mix people together within all the different teams here. So we strategically placed everyone into small groups that would normally never work together. It was fun to mix up the different ages, talents, and personality types. It was great to see everyone interacting and working together to solve riddles, answer Trivia questions, and name popular movie quotes.


Overall, it was a great experience that brought our team together. It gave everyone a chance to get to know each other over a slice of pizza. And who doesn’t love pizza?


If you’ve never held a team building event for your company, we highly recommend it. There’s all kinds of different games you can do ranging from board games and trivia challenges to full-day song writing team building events like what Kidbilly Music offers. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a few hours together or make a week of it, you’ll feel closer as a team and help to promote a happy culture at your office. We believe that happy employees lead to happy customers.








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