Executing on Plans July 18, 2019 Kristie

Take Our Poll! Entrepreneurs, How Does Email Affect Your Life?

Calling all entrepreneurs! Take our poll! 

Gif of animated man juggling on blue background

We know being an entrepreneur is no easy feat – does the work ever end? We want to find out how entrepreneurs manage their time, email, and stress – and your input will make a difference. We’ll be publishing the results in a report and you can soon find out how you stack up against other entrepreneurs! Take part in our questionnaire below:

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3 Responses to “Take Our Poll! Entrepreneurs, How Does Email Affect Your Life?”

    Michael Pert
  1. I agree with Bill Gates comment that email was the single worst idea he ever implemented. I have been a Daylite user since version 1.7

  2. Eric Lee Smith
  3. I love your email to Daylite function, wish it worked on iPhone and iPad.

  4. Kristie Holden
  5. Hi Eric, it does now! We’re rolling out this functionality to Daylite for iPhone & iPad to customers gradually. We’ve just enabled it for you. To start using it, quit the Daylite app on your iPhone/iPad and re-launch it and the new “Mail” tab should show. This will allow you to view your emails right in Daylite and link them to people, companies, projects, etc. as well as create new contacts, tasks, etc. in Daylite from the email 🙂 Let us know what you think!

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