Scaling January 6, 2014 Kristie

New Years resolutions for your small business

After the turkey coma and sugar rush of the holidays wears off, it’s time to get ramped up and start thinking towards the future for your small business. Get excited about the New year by thinking about what goals you want to set for 2014. Making New Years resolutions for your business is just as important as setting personal goals for yourself. In order to accomplish a goal, you need to first define what your goals are. Yogi Berra once said:

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

blank list of resolutions on blackboardAs a small business owner, it is crucial to plan for your business. If you want your business to be successful, you need to define your goals and create a map on how to get there. I don’t mean literally drawing a treasure map that leads to your business’s financial success…although if you’re a visual person it probably wouldn’t hurt to have as a reminder! What I do mean is creating a mental map for success. How can you improve your business? Where would you like to see your business in the next year, 5 years, or 10 years? What are your plans for growth? I think it’s safe to say that at the root of most goals for small businesses will be to increase profits. Take that goal and break it down further into a workable plan. To increase profit you need to either increase revenue or decrease expenses. Maybe your goal is to increase your efficiencies so you can get more done in a smaller amount of time which will save you money. Perhaps you want to be more organized which will also lead to saving you time and money.

Billings Pro can help you keep your finances organized and also helps you to save money by cutting down on your estimate and invoicing time. Marshall Merritt from Digital Inc Group stated that they were able to “cut monthly expenses by nearly 30%” with Billings Pro. Create professional invoices quickly and easily, and keep track of your accounts.

To increase your efficiencies, work on establishing effective workflows that limit wasted time or repeat work. Daylite helps to improve your workflow by giving you one organized place for every component of your business. Daylite gives you one organized place for very component of your business to help improve your workflows. From customized pipeline stages to track your success, to individual tasks on your worklist, Daylite keeps you focus on accomplishing each detail. This allows you to carry out your plan for success so you can get closer to reaching your goals.

Use the tools that help you achieve the goals for your small business. Establish efficient workflows and get organized so you can save  time and save your small business money in the long run. PLAN successfully so you can ACHIEVE success this year!

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