Scaling August 14, 2009 Alykhan Jetha

“My New iPhone 3GS: Beyond Awesome”

There has been a lot of brouhaha about the iPhone, Apple and App Store of late.

All of that misses one of the super important points of the iPhone and its software stack – and that is the ability to develop really useful software and new experiences on a mobile platform.

Seeking Alpha has an article that illustrate this nicely. Quite by happenstance, Daylite Touch is one of the contributing factors that is prompting Shelly Palmer to return to the iPhone.

“A few weeks ago, I downloaded an app that made me think about returning to the iPhone fold. It’s called Daylite Touch. It’s a simple program that seamlessly integrates Daylite (my favorite contact/pipeline management software) with the iPhone. I liked it on the Touch, but after using it for a short while, I knew it was really going to be something special in a 3G broadband cloud. I was right.”

And here is the kicker:

“I did not open up my laptop at two meetings today because I simply didn’t need the connectivity. I was able to access all of the data I needed through my iPhone and, again, the sync was flawless.”

This is exactly the kind of thing we had in mind when we designed Daylite Touch – and we could only do it on the iPhone.

Yes, the iPhone is not perfect. Yes, the App Store could be much much better. But folks – we couldn’t do some of this stuff more than two years ago!

Until next time…

P.S. You can follow me or marketcircle on twitter.

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