Quick Tips October 6, 2014 Kristie

Managing Policy & Contract Renewals

When you have multiple clients that you need to renew policies or contracts for, keeping up with dates can be a bit tricky. It may be only annually or semi annually that a policy or contract needs to be renewed, but it can be a hassle to have to set a reminder for each one. You can eliminate the hassle by creating a workflow in Daylite that uses extra date fields along with Smart Lists to remind you when a policy or contract is about to expire. This workflow is great for financial advisors that need to renew policies for their clients, agents that need to renew client contracts, and sales representatives that need to refill client orders on a regular basis.

In a recent blog post we talked about how you can use Smart Lists in Daylite for Keeping in Touch with Clients based on your recent activity with a contact. The same concept for using Smart Lists to keep in touch with clients can also be used to stay on top of renewal and expiry dates.

Here’s the steps for how to manage this:

Part 1: Setting Up Expiring Date

First you need to add in the expiring or renewal date in a custom field. To do this, open your Daylite preferences, select “Custom Fields” and under the “Person” tab, use the Extra Date Fields to enter in “Renewal Date” or “Expiry Date”.

Next, in your Daylite preferences, select “Edit Cards” and under the “People” tab, check off “Renewal Date” (or “Expiry Date” depending on what you called in in your extra date field.) This way when you add or edit a contact record, this extra date field will show up so you remember to fill it out the renewal or expiry date.


As your client purchases a policy or signs a contract, you will need to enter in the expiry or renewal date in the extra field of the contact record.


Part 2: Creating a Smart List

Now you can filter your contacts by this extra date field and save it as a Smart List.

Select “People” from your side bar and click the magnifying glass to filter. Then enter in the filtering criteria. For this you can select “Category” is “Customer” for the first level, and underneath select “Renewal Date” is “this month” or “this week”.

The time frame you choose for the renewal date depends on how much time you need to give your client ahead of time. Now click “Save as Smart List” and you have an automatically updated list of any clients that you need to contact about a renewal date coming up soon.

These steps are also in an article in our Help Centre, so feel free to share with a friend that you know needs to keep track of renewal or expiry dates for clients.


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