Our Company April 25, 2008 Ryan

Mac vs. PC in ABA Law Magazine

One of our clients brought an article to our attention that was featured in the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association (ABA Journal). The article features the opinion of two lawyers using opposing systems to manage their law offices, Mac vs. PC. This immediately sparked our interest as we’ve recently released a database template for the law industry.

Since we all know the clear winner in this race, I thought I’d quickly highlight the mention of Daylite in this article:


Daylite from Marketcircle Inc. is a fully customizable case management package that handles your contacts, calendars, tasks/to-do’s, notes and more. Daylite allows you to link various types of documents (spreadsheets, PDFs, JPEGs) to specific client files, and then organize and even open those files from within Daylite. You can schedule and delegate appointments, create lists, print reports and send e-mails ”all from within Daylite. It is fully networkable so you can connect to it locally, through your office network or over the Internet. You can even create offline databases, modify them on the road and later synchronize them with the main database.

For the rest of the article, click here.

Stay tuned!

Ryan Cash

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