Scaling November 28, 2006 Alykhan Jetha

Mac law firms shine with Daylite 3.2

Last week, while most of America was celebrating Thanksgiving, we released Daylite 3.2. We updated a bunch of things, all of which you can read on this knowledge base article. As always, our team here has been hard at work.

We also did a major update to the Daylite area of our site. We are hoping we can better convey the value of Daylite with these changes. Communicating the value of Daylite has been somewhat difficult because it is so flexible, powerful and applicable to so many industries.

On another note, we are getting noticed by more law firms now. Have a look at these two blogs:

  • Home Office Lawyer
  • The Mac Lawyer

And here is yet another story (on Apple’s site no less) about a firm that uses Daylite.

Over the years, we’ve been adding features that help the law community. We added ‘reverse activity sets (rule based calendaring as some call it)’ recently and in 3.2, we added copying of specific addresses to the clipboard.

Until next time…

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