Product Updates November 2, 2017 JD

Cloud Privacy & Security: 3 Things You Might Be Wrong About

For some, the phrase ‘in the Cloud’ sounds like a privacy nightmare. We get it; your data’s security is critical to you. You don’t want to give it up to just anyone. But what if the reason for all the fear is actually a misconception?


Daylite Cloud has many benefits that help you win more business and get more done including new features, fewer hassles, and overall a more stable experience compared to Daylite Self-Serve. Going Cloud is an easy process which can save you time because you’re not troubleshooting issues and gives you more flexibility. Your data’s privacy is paramount to us, and we want to do everything we can to make sure you are safe, that way you can take full advantage of what Daylite Cloud has to offer. So we are setting the record straight by debunking the 3 most common misconceptions about  Cloud Privacy and security that might be stopping you from going Cloud.

Meets Regulations & Compliance Standards

After speaking with many Daylite Self-Serve customers, we have found that many businesses are under the impression that they can’t Go Cloud because their industry or country has regulations that prevent them from using Cloud. In a lot of cases, after further investigation, customers have realized that they are in fact able to use Daylite Cloud because it is PIPEDA compliant and therefore your data is protected under this privacy framework. PIPEDA is a Canadian framework that sets guidelines on how data and customer privacy should be protected.

These guidelines have also been made to satisfy the legal requirements for data protection internationally so it may cover a large number of different country standards. We are also improving our compliance with other international acts as well, rolling out updates frequently. If your objection is because you’ve been told regulations won’t let you go to Daylite Cloud, we encourage you to review these rules and Daylite’s compliance to them because you might find that you can see all of its benefits.

Gives You Big Business Security

“Security through Obscurity” is the concept that hackers only target big companies, making small businesses less likely to be attacked by hackers. Unfortunately, this is incorrect. Hackers often use bots that search the internet probing for ways to get into as many systems as possible, much like a dragnet. It catches anything in its path, infecting businesses big and small, in some cases affecting hundreds of thousands of devices. Any bit of software that you and your teams use, from the version of Mac OS to every app you have ever installed, could expose you to an attack if it is not up to date. How many times have you dismissed an update because it’s simply a distraction? This is the real deal.

Daylite Cloud, on the other hand, has a team of engineers who are constantly making sure Daylite Cloud is secure as possible. New threats appear every day and we have installed  1000s of security patches to date addressing these new challenges. We can simply perform more security updates and do them faster, giving small businesses big business security without paying the big business fees.

 Keeps You In Control

Some people are afraid that with Cloud, anyone can casually sift through your database, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. We know that keeping your customer’s privacy is important to you because we are customers ourselves. When we share our personal data with a company, we expect that the data is kept from prying eyes and we want to give the same assurances to you.

With Daylite Cloud, only those with a username and password can log in and view your data in Daylite. In the case where our customer support team may need to look at your database, for example, to troubleshoot some strange behaviour with a Smart List, we need to ask you for permission if we want to look at your database in Daylite. This access is for a short period of time and if you change your mind, admins can remove access by removing the support agents device in account manager. You should always feel secure that you are in control of who access, and you are.


Daylite Cloud can turn your Daylite experience from great to incredible and help you win more business and get more done. Missing out on all the benefits of Daylite Cloud because of misconceptions or misunderstandings about how your data is protected and secured is a roadblock that you don’t have to experience.
Got any questions? Reach out to or check out our Daylite Cloud Security Page.


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