Scaling November 4, 2008 Alykhan Jetha

Billings 3.0.3 Released

In light of the historical event yesterday in the United States, this is minor, but welcomed news.

We have a new release of Billings 3 with 30 minor improvements. The major points are:

  • A new auto-backup feature when you quit the app
  • Improved Daylite integration
  • Improved Address Book integration
  • Two new reports and improvements to some existing ones
  • Significantly improved rendering speed for some invoice/estimate/statement templates

It’s a free update for all Billings 3 users. You can download the update by going to the “Billings” menu and clicking on the “Check for Updates…” item, or you can go to our downloads page. The release notes can be found here.

We’ve also updated some our invoice template creation movies and added a few new ones. You can find them here.

While I’m at it, I’d like to take this moment to congratulate Barack Obama on winning the presidency of the United States of America. The rest of the World wanted an Obama win and win he did – decisively.

Until next time…

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