Product Updates December 24, 2020 Tucky Wong

Adjust Text Size on macOS in Daylite

Whether you’re working on a laptop with a small screen or a desktop with a monitor, you can now adjust the Text size and Sidebar size from General Preferences in Daylite to small, medium or large. Customize the font size to your preference, assisting you to work more comfortably when using Daylite.

The team has been able to modernize and refine Daylite as a result of sunsetting support for older versions of macOS. Focusing on the latest versions of macOS allows us to add new enhancements such as the ability to adjust Text size. We value all customers feedback, and we will continue to look for opportunities to improve your experience.

Text and sidebar size options in Daylite's General Settings

How to adjust Text size and Sidebar size in Daylite

Ensure you have the latest version of Daylite by going to the Daylite main menu > Check for updates. After you’ve updated, go to Daylite > click on Preferences > select General > choose Text size and/or Sidebar size, you will see three options to choose from: Small, Medium or Large. Select the font size that suits you best.

In addition to changing the Text size from General Preferences, you can also change it from anywhere with the menu option. Go to View > select Text Size > from the list of options: Small, Medium or Large; Increase or Decrease. Select the font size that suits you best.

Pro tip: You can simply use the Command -/+ shortcut to quickly adjust the Text size as well.

Please note the default Text size is now “Medium”.

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