Product Updates July 10, 2017 JD

3 Reasons Daylite Cloud Makes Sharing Contacts & Calendars Easier

When we asked which features were important to customers but difficult to use, you came back with a clear answer: you love sharing contacts and calendars, but find it too hard. We decided to fix that for Daylite Cloud.


Sharing your contacts, calendars, and tasks with other apps allow you to do things like have CallerID work with your Daylite contacts, create new appointments using Mail’s data detectors or create new tasks with Siri.

If you are using Daylite Self-Serve and tried to share your contacts and calendars, you know that it can be a frustrating experience. It can take 3-4 tries to get it set up on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad, certain security features aren’t possible and getting remote syncing requires a fair bit of networking knowledge. If you’ve struggled with this, you’re not alone, and we heard you.

We’ve listed the three different ways Daylite Cloud makes sharing contacts and calendars better by eliminating the server.

Easy Set Up

Setting up contact and calendar sharing on Self-Serve is one of the most frequent how-to questions asked here at Marketcircle, accounting for almost 10% of tickets on average. The problem is almost always a small mistake in the settings, and because macOS and iOS are extremely finicky, you need to be exact.

Each server has a different setting, which is why it is not possible to use an account profile like Google. Instead, you must add an account using the your specific server settings, correctly and painstakingly.

With Daylite Cloud, on the other hand, we maintain the servers and take care of all the network settings. We use advanced technologies that require a team of people to support. With Daylite Cloud, you install an account profile, and that does all the account set up for you.

Watch this 2-minute video and see just how easy sharing your Calendar and Contacts are with Daylite Cloud.


More Secure

A common request when sharing contacts and calendars is more advanced security settings. Daylite Self-Serve uses a self-signed certificate, and this is because each company’s server is unique. These certificates create difficulties for Apple’s Calendar and Contacts apps on macOS and iOS, and because of this, Daylite Self-Serve does not support SSL.

When we developed Daylite Cloud, we had the ability to make sure that the certificates were signed differently allowing us to use higher security features, making sure your contact and appointment data is fully encrypted.

Check out the complete list of security features Daylite Cloud offers.

Be Mobile

You’ve said that you want to have all the up-to-date information with you at all times, no matter where you go. If someone changes a meeting or adds a new lead, it is important to you that this information is available right away. For both Daylite Self-Serve, and Daylite Cloud this is possible.

So, what’s the big difference? How you set that up.

Daylite Self-Serve
Syncing locally is the default setting for Daylite Self-Serve. That is because networking is complicated, with each network being unique to every office, home, and business. To enable remote syncing, you have to make a series of changes that are completely outside of Daylite.

First, you need to open a range of ports on your router and this will be different for each router because not all routers have the same settings.s Next, you need to either pay for a DynDNS service to track changes in the public IP address or change your internet service plan to include a static IP. If your ISP doesn’t offer one (many don’t) well, then you might need to change ISP altogether. Oh, also, you have to troubleshoot everything if it stops working.

For some, remote syncing is a piece of cake. They get networking, and that’s great. If you’re like most of us, when you see all the changes and responsibilities that fall on you, you start to wonder if it’s even worth it.

Daylite Cloud
Daylite Cloud 
mobile syncing works out of the box. Sign up, add the account and you can sync on the go. It’s that easy.

After listening to our customers about sharing contacts and calendars, we found that the most common cause of frustrations were the results of running a server yourself. Daylite Cloud takes the burden of running a server and places it firmly on our shoulders – making sharing contacts and calendars, among other things so much easier for you. Anyone moving to Daylite Cloud is going to see a major upgrade to their experience.

“After testing Daylite Cloud, I just realized that the whole side of operating Daylite had just vanished in thin air. Poof!” – Vincent, International Pharma Services

Want to improve your experience sharing contacts and calendars? Get in touch with us today about booking your migration.

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