Our Customers June 24, 2013 Kristie

Meet Kevin Kurtz, Director of ABWE

Doing missionary work around the world for over 80 years and striving to help make the world a better place for people is ABWE, a non profit organization. ABWE shares the story of hope, builds communities of faith and serves the world in love.  Working for ABWE to reach out to potential donors is Kevin Kurtz, a new Daylite user.

Marketcircle: Can you briefly describe the goals of ABWE and what a typical working day is like for you?

Kevin Kurtz: We are a non-profit organization that does missionary work around the world. We do everything from evangelism to building hospitals and schools, to helping victims of human trafficking.  With the help of Daylite, I’m able to track current and potential donor relationships by recording information and interactions in order to build better personal relationships. I use keywords extensively to divide the who and where of my list. I also use Daylite to track and schedule visits. Since we are new Daylite users, we are still learning how to capture all of the contact that we have with our donors.

MC: What do you as a company do better than other related non-profit organizations?

KK: I think that ABWE’s big picture vision evangelism with our abilities to set and reach goals and to develop international partnerships sets us apart from other missionary agencies. I think we excel in reaching into new countries and finding new opportunities, then working to develop partners and partnerships to push our efforts farther than we could alone. Much of what we do starts with business oriented relationships and as time passes, those relationships develop as a more evangelistic relationship.

MC: Who are your typical donors?

KK: Our donors are families and churches who commit to supporting missionary families or projects.  Many of these families include ABWE in their estate plans, which is where I can enter the picture and provide advise.

MC: Besides Daylite, what apps or software can’t you live without?

KK: Daylite is the only CRM app we use but we rely heavily on the normal MS Office suite of products.

MC: What’s your favourite time saver in Daylite?

KK: The biggest thing for me would be the GeoMap feature, which your partner iOSXpert  helped me set up. Let’s say I’m going to make a trip to Ohio or Indiana, I can pull up everybody quickly who is in the area, and organize them to find who is going to be in my path.

MC: What features could we improve upon that would benefit you more?

KK: I’d like to see the smart list improved so that I can use it with my iPhone and iPad. I am exclusively Mac and rely heavily on my iPhone and iPad. With smart lists accessible on my mobile devices, I could work from anywhere including the car while on the road.

MC: What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

KK: Many years ago, I read ‘not to attend every argument that I was invited to’. This pithy statement goes hand-in-hand with William Ury’s books about negotiations.  Most people want their specific issues answered and sometimes the best idea is to stay focussed and not involve myself in an argument.

You can follow ABWE on Twitter or check out the ABWE Facebook page.

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