Product Updates March 11, 2014 rahim

Billings Pro 1.6.6 is now available

Billings Pro Version 1.6.6 is now available for download on our website or in the Mac App Store.

What’s new in Billings Pro version 1.6.6?

  • Invoice/Estimate/Statement preferences are saved from the last client when sending a document to a new client (save clicks!)
  • Improved messaging and handling of Cloud errors
  • Improved syncing to reduce load for each sync
  • Improved handling of local data when migrating between computers or restoring a backup from time machine
  • Clarified logout messages when there are pending changes that have not synchronized (asks the user to confirm twice in those cases)
  • Addresses a rare case where slips would get orphaned when creating a new invoice
  • Addresses a case where the first slip on an invoice with very long comments would get moved to the second page

Server Update For Self Serve Customers only:

Cloud customers do not need to download or update Billings Pro Server Admin. Cloud customers only need to update the app above.

Billings Pro Server Version 1.6.6 is now available for download on our website.

What’s new in Billings Pro Server version 1.6.6?

  • Improved Sync to reduce the load for each sync with server

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